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Salah El Mahdi - LA MUSIQUE ARABE(Japanese version) - Now on Sale |
Some important books on Arab and Turkish music.Japanese
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Title / Author / Publisher / Place / Year / Language / Comments
- A HISTORY OF ARABIAN MUSIC (to the 13th century) / Henry George Farmer / Luzac & Co, LTD. / London / (1928) 1973 / English/History of Arabian music until 13c.
- An Annotated Glossary of Arabic Musical Terms / Lois Ibsen al Faruqi / Greenwood / Press Connecticut,U.S.A / 1981/ English / Important glossary of Arabic musical terms
- ANTHOLOGIE DE LA MUSIQUE ARABE(1906-1960) / Ahmed et Mohamed Elhabib Hachlaf/ Publisud/ Paris / 1993 / French/ Presentation of Arab famous singers and instrumentalists
- Asmahan's Secrets / Sherifa Zuhur - Woman, War, and Song/ The Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Texas at Austin / 2000 / English
- Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes / Ali Louati, etc. / Edition du Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes / Tunis / 1992 / French / Catalogue of Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes(Palais du Baron d'Erlanger), Sidi Bou Said
- Cheikh Afrit Mutrab Tunisi / Farouk Chaabouni/ Matbaa Arabia Tunisi / Tunis / 1991 / Arabic / essays on Tunisien singer Cheikh Afrit
- Colors of Enchantement Edited by Sherifa Zuhur - Theater, Dance, Music, and the Visual Arts of the Middle East / The American University of Cairo Press / Cairo / 2001/ English
- El Agani attounissia / Sadouk Rizqui / Dar Tounissia Nacher / Tunis / 1989 / Arabic/ Tunisian traditional songs with notations
- El Cheikh Ahmad el Wafi / Salah el Mahdi / Rachidia / Tunis / 1982 / Arabic / Essays on Ahmad el Wafi, Tunisian great composer, and his music
- El Cheikh Khemaies Ternane / Salah el Mahdi / Rachidia / Tunis / 1981 / Arabic / Essays on Khemaies Ternane, Tunisian great composer, and his music
- El Maahad Rachidia El Mousiqa Tounisia / Salah el Mahdi - Mohammed Marzouti / Rachidia / Tunis / 1981 / Arabic/ History of Rachidia Institut in Tunisia
- El Maoussoua el moussiqa / Mohammed Bounina / Dar Siras Nacher / Tunis / 1992 / Arabic/ Encyclopedia of Occidental and Oriental music
- El Maqamat el Moussiqal Arabia / Salah el Mahdi / Rachidia / Tunis / ? / Arabic/ Explanation of Arab music and its modal system
- Habiba Messika - La brulure du peche / Jeanne Faivre d'Arcier / roman / Belfond / Paris / 1997 / French
- Histoire de la musique 1 / Roland-Manuel(Direction) / Gallimard / Paris / 1960 / French/ "Bibliotheque de la Pleiade"
- Historical Facts for the Arabian Musical Influence / Henry George Farmer / Reprint Edition 1978 by Arno Press Inc. U.S.A. (original edition: London,1930 )/ English/ Influence of Arabian music on Occidental music
- Images of Enchantement / Edited by Sherifa Zuhur - Visual and Performing Arts of the Middle East / The American University of Cairo Press / Cairo / 2000 / English
- Journees Ennejma Ezzahra (Programme du Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes)/ Anouar Brahem, etc. / Edition du Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes / Tunis / 1992 / French / Program of Concert at Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes, Sidi Bou Said in 1992
- La Derbouka / Philippe Vigreux / Edisud / Aix-en-Provence / 1985 / French / Method of derbouka. How to maintain and play. Also includes detailed information on Iqaat(rhythm).
- LA MUSIQUE ALGERIENNE et la question RAI / Bezza Mazouzi / Richard-Masse / Paris / 1990 / French / Book on Rai music
- la musique arabe / Salah El Mahdi / Alphonse Leduc / Paris / 1972 / French / concise introduction to Arab music
- LA MUSIQUE ARABE / Simon Jargy / Presses Universitaires de France / Paris / 1971 /French/ general introduction to Arab music; collection "Que sais-je?"
- LA MUSIQUE ARABE TOME 1 / Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger / Paul Geuthner / Paris / 1930 (Reissue 2001) / French/ Translation from Arabic into French of Al Farabi's dissertation
- LA MUSIQUE ARABE TOME 2 / Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger / Paul Geuthner/ Paris / 1935 (Reissue 2001) / French / Translation from Arabic into French of Al Farabi and Avicenne(Ibn Sina)s' dissertations
- LA MUSIQUE ARABE TOME 3 / Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger /Paul Geuthner/ Paris / 1938 (Reissue 2001) / French/ Translation from Arabic into French of Safiyuddin's dissertation
- LA MUSIQUE ARABE TOME 4 / Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger / Paul Geuthner / Paris / 1939 (Reissue 2001) / French/ Translation from Arabic into French of anonymous dissertation
- LA MUSIQUE ARABE TOME 5 / Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger/ Paul Geuthner / Paris / 1949 (Reissue 2001) / French / detailed explanation of maqamat(modes)
- LA MUSIQUE ARABE TOME 6 / Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger /Paul Geuthner / Paris / 1959 (Reissue 2001) / French/ detailed explanation of iqaat(rythm)
- La musique arabo-andalouse / Christian Poche / Actes Sud / Paris / 1995 / French/ History of Arab-Andalusian music. Presentations of Noubat - with CD
- La musique arabo-andalouse - l'empreinte du Maghreb / Mahmoud Guettat / Editions El-Ouns, Editions Fleurs Sociales / Paris, Montreal / 2000 / French
- La musique au Liban / Marc-Henri Mainguy / Les Editions Dar An-nahar / Beyrouth / 1969 /French / Music of Lebanon
- La musique populaire palestinienne / Patrick Lama / editions du temoignage chretien / Paris / 1982 / French/ Poular music of Palestine
- La poesie populaire traditionnelle chantee au proche-orient arabe / Simon Jargy/ Mouton / Paris / 1970 / French / texts of popular songs in the Middle East
- La perfection des connaissances musicales d'Al-Hasan Ibn Ahmad Ibn 'Ali Al-Katib / Amnon Shiloah /Paul Geuthner/ Paris / 1972 / French / translation & commentary of the text written by Al-Hasan Al-Katib, scholar of the 11th century
- La tradition musicale arabe / Mahmoud Guettat / Ministere de l'education nationale / Nancy / 1986 / French/ History, instruments, modes, etc. of the Arab music
- L'Ecoute des musiques arabes improvisees - Essai de psychologie cognitive de l'audition / Ayari Mondher / L'Harmattan / Paris / 2003 / French
- L'EGYPTE CHANTEE / Samir Megally / Samir Megally / Paris / 1992 / French/ Lyrics of songs composed by Mohamed Abdulwahab
- L'EGYPTE CHANTEE 2 - Oum Kalthoum / Samir Megally / Samir Megally / Paris / 1997 / French / Some Lirycs of Songs Translated into French
- Les danses dans le monde arabe ou l'heritage des almees / Djemila Henni Chebra & Christian Poche / L'Harmattan / Paris / 1996 / French / Tradition of Female singers and dancers in the Arab world
- Les instruments de musique dans le monde 2 / Franeois-Rene Tranchefort / Editions du seuil / Paris / 1980 / French/Introduction to instruments in the world. Collection "Point"
- Les Instruments de Musique en Irak / Sheherazade Qassim Hassan / Editions de L'ecole des Hautes en Sciences Sociales / Paris /1980 / French/ book on Iraqi folk music
- Les Instruments de musique en Tunisie / Ministere de la Culture / Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes / Tunis / 1992 / Arabic and French / Musical instruments in Tunisia with photos
- L'improvisation dans les Musiques de Tradition Orale / Bernard Lortat-Jacob(editeur)/ SELAF / Paris / 1987 / French / Book on oral tradion of music. Includes a cassette
- Making Music in the Arab World / A.J. Racy / Cambridge University Press / UK / 2003 / English/The Culture and Artistry of Tarab
- Mohammed Abdel Wahab / Ratiba el Hafni / Dar Charouq / Cairo / 1991 / Arabic/ Life of Mohammed Abdel Wahab
- Mouwachchahat Ahmad Abi Khalil El Qabani / Ali Hicham Masri / ? / Arabic/ Songs of the Great Syrian Composer and Singer Ahmad Abi Khalil El Qabani(1841-1902)
- Music Performance Practice in the Early Abbasid Era 132-320 AH/750-932 AD / George Dimitri Sawa /Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies / Tronto / 1989 / English
- Musique arabe - Le congres du Caire de 1932 - / CEDEJ / Cairo / 1992 / French/ Documents of the Congress of Cairo in 1932
- Musiques d'Egypte / Frederic Lagrange / Actes Sud / Paris / 1996 / French / Musical traditions of Egypt - with CD
- Musique du monde arabe - Ecoute et decouverte - / Christian Poche /IMA/Paris / 1995 / French/ Introduction to the music of the Arab world - with CD
- Musiques du monde arabe et musulman / Christian Poche & Jean Lambert - Bibliographie et discographie - /Paul Geuthner/ Paris /2000 / French / Music of Arab and Islamic world
- Musique et instruments de musique du Maghreb / Francisco Salvador-Daniel / LaBoite a Documents / Paris /1986 / French/ book on Maghrebian music
- Oum Kalsoum / Hammadi Ben Hammed / Editions Alif, Editions du Layeur / Tunis, Paris / 1997, 2000 / French/ book + 1 CD
- OUM KALSOUM / Ysabel Saiah / Editions Denoel / Paris / 1985 / French/ Biographical Novel of Oum Kalsoum
- Oum Kalthoum / Hammadi Ben Hammed / Alif, Editions Paris-Mediterranee / Tunis, Paris / 1997 / French/ Text by Hammadi Ben Hammed, Songs Translated into French by Mokhtar Boukhris
- OUM / Selim Nassib / Editions Balland / Paris / 1994 / French/ Story of Oum Kalsoum narrated by Ahmad Rami, her poet. (fiction)
- Patrimoine Musical Tunisien / Salah el Mahdi(dir.)/ Comite National Tunisien de la musique / Tunis / 1967-1979 / Arabic and French / Heritage of Tunisian Music. 9 vls.
- 1e fascicule: Ensemble des Bachrafs Tunisiens
- 2e fascicule: Ensemble de Tawshihs et Zajals Tunisiens
- 3e fascicule: La Nawbah dans le Maghreb Arabe - Nawbat Edhil Tunisienne
- 4e fascicule: La Nawbah travers l'histoire islamique - Nawbat El Iraq
- 5e fascicule: Ahmad El Wafi(1850-1921) - Nawbat Essica et Nawbat el Houcine
- 6e fascicule: La musique tunisienne au XXe siecle - Nawbats Rasd, Ramel El Maya et Nawa
- 7e fascicule: Khemais Ternane(1894-1964) - Nawbats Asbaiens - Rast Dhil - Raml
- 8e fascicule: Etude comparative des modes tunisiens - Nawbats Asbahane, Mazmoum et Maya
- 9e fascicule: Les rythmes dans la musique arabe - Receuil des Mouwachahs, Zajals, Foundous avec les trois Nawbats : Nahawand, Zingoulah et Ajam Ouchairane
- Philosophies of Music in Medieval Islam / Fadlou Shehadi / E.J.Brill / Leiden / 1995 /English / Analysis of philosophies in islamic music
- Sayed Chatta 1897-1985 / Mohammed Bounina / ? / Tunis / 1987 / Arabic/ Life of Tunisien singer and composer Sayed Chatta
- Tableau de la musique marocaine / Alexis Chottin / Paul Geuthner/ Paris / 1999 / French
- THE CONGRESS OF ARABIAN MUSIC / Henry George Farmer / Extract from Farmer's dissertations /1932 / French / Report on Cairo Congress in 1932
- The Dimention of Music in Islamic and Jewish Culture / Amnon Shiloah / VARIORUM / Great Britain / 1993 / English/ Essays on Arab and Jewish music
- THE MUSIC OF THE ARABS / Habib Hassan Touma / Amadeus Press/ Portland, U.S.A. / 1996 / English/ Introduction to the Arab music
- The Method of El Nay / Abdel Hamid Mashaal / Caire / 1984/ Arabic/ Method of nay(arabic flute)
- The Voice of Egypt / Virginia Danielson / The University of Chicago Press/ U.S.A. /1997 / English/ Umm Kulthum, Arabic Songs, and Egyptian Society in the Twentieth Century
- Tunis chante et danse 1900-1950 / Hamadi Abassi / Editions Alif, Editions du Layeur/ Tunis, Paris / 1991, 2000 / French / book + 1 CD
- Tunis chante et danse 1900-1950 / Illustrations Sleh Hamzaoui, Texte Hamadi Abassi / Alif / Tunis / 1991 / French/ Stories about Tunisian singers with illustrations. 2 cassettes (option)
- Voyage sentimental en musique arabo-andalouse / Hadri Bougherara / EDIF2000, Editions Paris-Mediterranee / Alger, Paris / 2002 /French
Turkish & Iranian Music
- 25 TURK BESTECISI TWENTY FIVE TURKISH COMPOSERS / EVIN ILYASOGLU/ Pan / Istanbul / 1989/ Turkish / 25 Turkish composers of 20th century
- Klasik Turk Musikisi Uzerine Denemeler / Cem Behar / Baglam Yayinlan /Istanbul / 1987/ Turkish / Essays on Classical Turkish Music
- MAKAM, modal practice in turkish art music / Karl L. Signell / Asian Music Publications / U.S.A. / 1977/ English / Theory of Turkish Music
- Music of the Ottoman Court/ Walter Feldman/ VWB / Berlin / 1996/ English/ Essays on Classical Turkish music
- Musique d'Iran / Nelly Caron & Dariouche Safvate / Buchet-Chastel / Cordova / 1996/ French / Music of Iran
- Musiques de Turquie / Jerome Cler / Actes Sud / Paris / 2000/ French/ Musical traditions of Turkey - with CD
- MUSIK ANSIKLOPEDISI / AHMET SAY (dir.)/ Ilkadim Sokak / Ankara / 1985/ Turkish / Encyclopedia of Occidental and Turkish music (4 vls. )
- Quelque chose se passe - Le sens de la tradition dans l'Orient musical / Jean During / Editions VERDIER / Paris / 1994/ French
- Tarihci Muzikolog YILMAZ OZTUNA / Onur Akdogu/ REFORM MATBAASI / Izmir / 1990/ Turkish / Essays on Musicologist YILMAZ OZTUNA
- UD OGRENME METODU 1 / Udi Haci Kadri Sencalar / SUCUGLU MATABAASI / Istanbul / 1984/ Turkish / Method of 'ud